Reflection, research and co-creation.
The peanut council is a group and space for reflection, research and co-creation in which each member brings their unique vision to the project creating a dynamic and flexible proposal that allows us to present ideas and consolidate our proposals in order to create fields of cultural, social, reflective and artistic transformation based on the development of our individual potentials and the formulation of various collective practices.
Based on Katrin's proposal, since 2021, we have held permanent sessions that have allowed us to build a consistent project that is always open to new contributions.
Teamwork is an essential element in our integration dynamics.
It is not a closed process, different members have participated in our council since its creation in 2021, we are open to meeting new perspectives.
Visual artist and multidisciplinary designer of German origin, lives and works in Mexico since 1992. Degree in Tri-Dimensional Design, Camberwell College of Arts, London, UK (ceramics and photography), Postgraduate in Art Therapy (Hertford University, UK).
Visual artist, curator, cultural promoter, professor and researcher in the arts from different semiotic-interdisciplinary approaches, Dr. in Cartographies of Contemporary Art, SGEIA-INBAL.
Visual artist and illustrator. He currently works as an assistant and graphic designer for artists in Yucatan. Bachelor of Arts, UAEM.
Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas, Quiropráctico y maestro de meditación, trabajando en los áreas de la ecología, comunidades indígenas, nuevas tecnologías, inclusión financiera y derechos humanos.
We thank Regina Tattersfield, Aaron Borrás, Leon Soto and Gibran Corona for their collaboration in our council between 2021 and 2023. Each member has left their unique contribution in this project.